Sunday, February 1, 2009

Back to Where I was.

You don't have to tell me. I know I'm not yours. You are not mine. so why do we waste our time?Why don't we say anything to make it work or to state the obvious. Is it obvious to you? It has to. Though I cannot be sure and I question if I'm reading you right. I've always prided myself on being able to read people, but now I'm just not sure. There is so little to read at the moment I don't know what to make of it. 
What to do when one is stuck, without a decent looking option and such a lack of understanding? Its so frustrating.  

I always feel caught in between in the lose, lose kind of situations. I realized the other day that this was my worst fear. Its funny how we tend to make our worst fears come true. 

In psychology the technical term for that is avoidance, avoidance conflict. The kind where someone would prefer to avoid both, but must choose which to face. I'm always foolish enough to think that I can avoid all the negative options, but I'm always proved wrong. 

If only you wouldn't hide then I would at least have understanding. 

I decided the other day that understanding, and not perfection of circumstance is what makes us comfortable. 

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