Sunday, June 14, 2009

Brown eyes Turn Blue

I saw today your brown eyes change to blue
the gaze is the same, but the color has changed. 
Now he stands where you used to 
Though now I look in loving eyes of blue I am still not sure what then final color will be. 

Tuesday, June 9, 2009

Star Light Star Bright

I wish I may, a wish I might that I wasn't here wishing this wish tonight: oh, if you would actually treat me well. 
I will always love you and treat you well no matter what, but I do deserve better than this. 

Monday, June 8, 2009

Doll (Owners Manual)

Hello New Owner, Meet Doll. 

She is a beauty to look at, a great showpiece, friend, and companion! Her glass eyes always sparkle and shine in the light. For your convenience they will only open and close at your command depending on what you want her to see. If Doll sees something you should wish to hid, do not fear...  Doll will never break her silence. 

Doll has a painted smile on my face. Her pasty porcelain skin, untouched by the sun to prevent damage, is formed into a permanent smile. Soft pink lips to mach the rose on her cheeks.  She has straight white teeth. Always a pleasant demeanor for you to look at (no one will ever have to see Doll with a sour look on her face). Her lips could never move to tell your secrets, disagree with you or tell you what you are doing wrong. 

Doll does not require any maintenance or nag for any attention what so ever. Due to that fact, she may seem a bit faded at times, but that is caused by dust from a long time alone up on the shelf. If her faded appearance bothers you, just take her down and give her a good shake. At that point you can just put her right back up and leave her for as long as you wish. 

If you are ever feeling ill or depressed she will always be there, just for you. If you something to hug, or someone to talk to...your deepest thoughts, complaints, fears, or failures Doll is always there for you. If you simply need to find a way to take out your anger Doll is small and easy to throw into a floor or wall. If I do by all means throw me away. I wouldn't want to be a bother seeing as I wold need repair, and no one wants to look at a broken Doll up on a shelf. 

(Summary of Use for Owners): If you wish, hug Doll, and tell you love her when she is brand new (though not required). Put her on your shelf. Use her only when you need her. If Doll breaks throw her away. Don't worry about missing Doll after you get rid of her. She will never me missed because you can always buy a new one. 

Thank you for your purchase. 

Friday, June 5, 2009

About to take off :)

I'm going faraway to a place of my dreams. 
A great adventure... something more than I have ever experienced in my life. Its what I've always wanted, and I just realized its exactly what I need. I'm pretty sure anyway.
 Why have I been viewing this as a negative thing? Fear with a considerable amount of pressure mixed in, but I'm not going to let that get in the way. That would be lame. 

I have the chance to see and explore things that until less than a month from now have been so distant I dare not even hope to dream too much about. I get to learn and observe... something I love and enjoy. To work hard for something I want and be to responsible and be independent. 

Why didn't I look at it like this before? 

Through which lens do you view the world? 

Bad Habit (maybe?):

"Assume the worst, and you won't get (as) hurt (or surprised and caught off guard at least). "

I hate that I always tend to expect the worst from people... and I hate more that I haven't been proved wrong enough to consider it a good idea to work on changing this train of thought. 

Not that I don't think everyone is bad. I just feel like we are all so crooked, even the best of us, that its too risky and dangerous to  trust anyone or thing too much. Yet, I wonder if I make things worse by assuming... I know I have, but I don't always know. And thats just the thing... I don't know, so I always brace myself just incase. 

I am realizing more and more that this is a sorry way to live, but still....

I feel uneasy when...

I can't figure out what's going on, and even more uneasy when I can't figure out my own feelings or what I want and what to about it all. But I think I feel a lot better when I can figure out a metaphor to perfectly explain how I feel. Or song lyrics. Those work too. (Something about how I think... I am constantly thinking of a figurative or metaphorical way to explain or understand anything and everything. I don't like it when I haven't found what I'm looking for yet, or something that fits.)
For now, I have none of the above. Oh well, I pray it will come. I feel like I don't have a good grip on anything good or lasting right now, and that scares me. 

I need to get back to my Love. The only real thing that I ever had, but I've been so neglectful. Good thing God isn't a person, or He would never take me back. 

I guess the first step is fully realizing grace and then accepting it, which is where I find myself at the moment, but just standing at the door. I hope I come out of this for the better and that I will be stronger because I feel like I have wasted time and regressed... which I hate (because I have do so much of it in life). Lame habits, and unhealthy patterns, regress, or at least getting stuck are such human things. I feel so human lately. 

you seem vacant sometimes....

and I want to know why. It bothers me. 

Thursday, June 4, 2009


I'm thinking about rebellions against prior rebellions of other rebellions, and so on and so forth.... History and people are very circular and tend to repeat a lot. We are always moving, but not exactly always up or down, but more often just around and around again.... I'm not sure if this is completely sad or not. maybe a little. Maybe more on this later. 

Tuesday, June 2, 2009

this sounds so pathetic....

But I don't mean it to... I think my heart breaks on a pretty constant basis. 
Sometimes I'm just sad about people and life in general. I just feel like there is this huge force holding us all back and we hurt and hurt each other and it makes me sad. 

Christ is my one true refuge... but I feel so far lately. I sometimes faith takes a side trip when life is on autopilot. I don't want to be rushing so fast and so scared that I just put life on autopilot anymore... I don't like it because when I do I let myself and everything important to me fade.